Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sur La Plage

(Just that title makes me want to break out in song. 'Sur la plage' is a song that is in the musical The Boyfriend.)
This morning, we all woke up early and headed to the beach. Have I told you all my opinion of the beach? To be honest, I love the beach. I'm just not that fond of salt water. Or sand, when it gets in through the edges of your swim suit. Otherwise, I love the beach. It rocks.
The beaches at Long Island are some of the most beautiful. They aren't commercialized and there aren't hotels and a board walk bordering the side that isn't the ocean. There aren't planes toting advertisements (that often) and the grass sways in the cool breeze. We stayed at the beach for about two hours, until they got really crowded, and then we left. I took a nap in the sun, and I represented by Knitting in Public. (Today is World Wide Knit in Public Day). I only got a little sun burnt (Excellente!) and I totally got my toes wet, but not my entire body. The Atlantic ocean is cold. (Look at Barb knitting in public!)

After we came home from the beach, the day slowed down. Barb and I talked yarn and blogging, and the girls went swimming in a neighbor's pool. We ordered takeout Italian, watched the recording of Honk! and just chilled for the evening.

I fly home tomorrow. I'm not sure that I want to, but I know that I'll always have a family up here in New York. :)

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