Thursday, June 26, 2008

Play the game

Guess what I'm wearing today?

No. Guess again.

No. Eew.

No. Mother, not crocs!

Alright I'll tell you:

Long sleeves. And a sweatshirt.

I understand that am much farther north than I am used to, but damn. I love me some tank tops! And shorts! I've practically lived all summer in shorts, in weather that, when you breathe, makes your tongue sizzle. Bring me back my hot weather!

Today has been lovely so far. I was woken up with a cup of tea at 8:30 (For those keeping score at home, that's 2:30 in the morning, Texas time.) and went into town with my Aunt. We picked up some glasses for her and I found the Local Yarn Store around here, which is more like a Local Craft Store. It was full of all sorts of crafting, from sewing to needlepoint to knitting, and I picked up some lovely Bamboo yarn that was just so soft I had to get some. I think I'll make myself some gloves because it's SO DAMNED COLD here.

(Alright, alright. It's like 70 degrees in the shade. But the wind is blowing and I'm cold.)

So, speaking of yarn, it turns out that all I have to do is waft a hand-knit sock under people's noses just to make them pick up the needles. (Barb, take notes. ;) ) I brought my knitting down with me while my cousins were having tea (which is supper for the littl'uns, generally.) and and Anne walked right into her back room where she kept a pair of needles and some big chunky pink yarn she was knitting Jaqueline's scarf with, and later that night, she was knitting on it! At the store, she picked up enough wool for a cute little jacket.

Well, I think that that's enough time on the computer. I feel like I should be social while I'm here, seeing as how I'm only ever here once every few years. Ali and Jaqueline are playing soccer (Ahem. Football.) outside, so maybe I'll go and watch them.

(In my Jacket and long sleeves.)

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