Monday, June 23, 2008

17 hours and 25 minutes

I can't go to sleep because I keep thinking of something that I haven't done.

-I've showered.
-I've packed my books
-I've petted my yarn
-I've put all of my pounds and euros into my travel wallet. (I have about a million english pennies and 20 pounds in notes. :) And like 10 euros. In change.)
-I've charged and updated my iPod
-I've packed my chargers
-I've packed shampoos and readied my toiletries.
-I've shoved my sunglasses into a bag somewhere
-I just remembered to pack my teddy. Her name is Fanya. Perhaps she'll come on the plane with me...

I have to go to bed...

I will go to bed...

Crap. I can't sleep.


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