Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's wrong with people today?


Or maybe I'm just in one of those moods today... I don't know.

But it seems like today everyone is on the defensive. Against me or someone else, they just can't seem to agree. First it was one of my friends (granted she got like no sleep last night) then there was a MASSIVE miscommunication between the choir and band and what we thought would be a fairly balanced Christmas Concert with the band playing a few songs and the choir singing a few turns out that it's mostly band. And oh yeah. There's the choir over there sitting in that corner. Can you see them? No. Okay, no problem. And then there was this kid at our choir rehearsal for mass on Thursday who was playing guitar for us who, when finding out he couldn't have the guitar solo looked very put off. I guess that's to be expected, but it just added to my ever-growing list of "Don't Talk To Me I'm Pissed Off At The World, And If You Happen To Talk To Me, YOU BETTER NOT DISAGREE BECAUSE I'LL BITE YOUR HEAD OFF" people.

Oh, I mentioned the weather.

(You're going to love this)

Here's what happened on Sunday: When I went into target, it was about 80. When I came out, it was 60. When I got home, 15 minutes later, it was 50.

Monday looked a lot like High of Brr with a low of You've Got To Be Kidding Me. (45 and 30 sumthin...)

Today looked a lot like England (in the summer). High of 80, low of about 60, rainy, humid, and miserable all day.

Tomorrow apparently looks like High of 47 and low of 41.

What's wrong with the weather?

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