Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Job Day 2

Okay, so not much to report on the job front. I spent today doing register training (four hours of it). There was a girl who shared the computer with me and we suffered through it together. And you want to know what kills me the most?

We're not done yet.

We still have more register training to do tomorrow. Hopefully not as much, because by the end of it I just couldn't believe it whenever they had me do something again. It'll be useful when I'm working, I know, but right now it's tedious.

I want to get out there. There. See it? It's surround by golden light.

So (slightly) more interesting was the Shakespeare monologue competition that I was in. I do have to say, I rocked. I one of Lady Macbeth's monologues from Act I of That Scottish Play (-whispers- Macbeth... Sorry, theater heebie-jeebies) and I played the part really well. Naturally and creep-ily.

I rocked the world if I do say so, myself.

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