First off, go here for my mother's blog about the Chuy's parade. She says it better than I have the patience to. ;) Long story short: Best year that we've participated in. The first year was nice because it was hot (like 85-90!) Last year was "misable" because there was hardly any turnout due to the fact that it was cold and wet. Remember how I defrosted for six hours afterward? And this year... well, yes, it was a little on the cold side, but it was a great turnout and we all had fun waving and dancing with the vegetables. As someone near me said after another person had high-fived Mike (the Carrot!), "We're doing excellent PR for vegetables."
So the drive back to San Antonio was uneventful. I listened to Harry Potter #7, because I have it in my car, and I clearly have not listened to it enough in the last year and a half. :) (As an aside, I now have all of the Harry Potter books on my iPod, and have been working my way through them for the last month or so... it's fun to hear the stories again. Just in case you were wondering, I'm on book 3.) So yeah. Uneventful drive. Got home and unloaded the car... and brought home THIS:
This is the little tree that Duncan and I have gotten to decorate for forever. Because we could have it upstairs, we could put all of our paper decorations that we made in school on it. The jury is out on whether we will find an angel for the top.
And also graciously supplied from home...
They were very long icicle lights, so we knocked on our neighbor's door and asked if they wanted the icicle lights on their side too. ("Of course!" they said.)
Look at us, all festive!
Abby finally gave me a birthday present when I got home because she finally had a chance to shop without me driving her there. She bought me a cute UT sweatshirt, and I love it! I've been needing one...
Another knitting blog will be coming your way soonish... sure to bring fun camera angles and a variety of colors. I have to be all sneaky nowadays that people who receive presents read my blog. And plus, Legolas isn't around to model. (<- I like the last one best. Funny, funny, funny...)
Altough I am sure you are unaware of this as you read, it's 1:18 AM right now and I have to sleep. G'night, all!
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