Monday, December 15, 2008

Power outages, internet failure, christmas gifts, and hanging flashlights

My weekend was very eventful! Let me tell you all about it.

In between studying, relaxing, and studying more for my Politics and French exams over this weekend... A lot of stuff happened! These things include power outages, internet failure, christmas gift exchanges and a little improvisation.

Around 12:30 (as in half past midnight) the power in University Oaks went out. I wouldn't be surprised if the power went out on the whole campus. I couldn't tell, because the lights in the parking lot were on, but I think those have backup generators. For some reason, the power going out was apparently cause to scream really loudly and frequently for the 2 hour duration of the outage. The power came back on around 2:30am, and that was cause for people to scream and whoop REALLY LOUD. Wouldn't have minded, except that I've been having trouble falling asleep and I had just slipped off at that point. Grr.

When the power went off, and Abby and I suddenly found ourselves with no internet connection and no other ways to amuse ourselves without draining our computer batteries, we decided that we would read. We had only one small flashlight, so we tacked it to the ceiling, where it cast its dome of light around us. I have to say... it's one of the more clever things I've ever thought of.

Yesterday, the people who are in control of our internet connection apparently decided that it was a good day to do some updating, which left us without an internet connection for well over 24 hours. The most frustrating part of this is that we could not look up extra information for our politics exam like we usually do when we don't understand a subject as well as we should. And another result of this internet failure was that my bum was firmly planted on the couch all day either reading or studying the previous tests.

Another thing that Abby and I did yesterday were exchange our christmas gifts for one another. She gave me a cute blue mug, some purse-sized lotion, and some yummy body sugar scrub for the shower. It's eucalyptus and mint flavored, and made our apartment smell yummy all yesterday. I gave her a cute purse (which is what she had asked for) and inside the purse I put chocolate, the book Speak (which I think everyone should read at least once), and a watch. She loved everything... and it makes me especially glad because I shoppes so well. Now all I have to do is finish up christmas shopping for the rest of the family!

Only one exam to go - English, which should be a breeze. One more exam and then I'm homeward bound!


OOH GOOD NEWS!! I got an 88 on my Astronomy exam, and so I got a final average of a B in the class! It's the only grade that has been released so far.


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