Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chugga Chugga

I feel like Hermione Granger. (Except without the magic part.) I actually drew up a timetable for studying for my final exams.

(There's that bit in book six where Hermione draws up a studying timetable for herself, Harry, and Ron and when Ron gets his he says, "You've left me a night off a week! Thanks!" and she comes back with "That's for quidditch practice." So if you're still wondering why I feel like Hermione, she reminds me of timetables.)

(If I had my books with me I would quote it directly... but I don't.)

Me and final exams go way back, (seven years, actually) And despite the many exams I have sat through in the last seven years (Assuming 7 classes per year, the number is 98) I have never made a study schedule. Oh sure, teachers would spoon feed us reviews and give us a calendar with a proposed schedule... but I would never use those. Why on earth would I actually study for finals? They're easy to ace.

Well, I think that Abby is getting to me. Her constant blabbering about studying (and seeing all of the signs around campus reading "Freakin about Finals?") has made me suddenly care about my studying habits. So I have drawn up a schedule for myself (color coded to boot) and will (hopefully) be sticking to it.

(So far so good.)

I am chuggin right along to my finals, and then my glorious month of Christmas vacation...


While sitting in my Astronomy class today, we were talking about extrasolar life, or life outside of our solar system. Apparently there are 329 extrasolar planets that we have found to this day, whereas 15 years ago, the number was none. We spent part of the class today talking about how life forms (or our ideas, because we don't actually know what sparks life) and he said that one of the main problems we need to solve in order to find out how life forms is how abiotic chemistry leads to biotic chemistry... and apparently this is all under the study of "Astrobiogeochemistry"... Which leads me to believe that it is the study of absolutely everything.

(It also makes me want to major in Astrobiogeochemisty and have a minor in physics... just so I can get it all covered.)

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