Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mini Blog - Final #1 Astronomy....

Because finals have been ruling my life, I think that I will be doing a "mini blog series" of how I think that I did after each final. Today you'll see two, because I have two exams today. (Whoda thunk?)


Woohoo one final down! (...Four to go...) I feel confident that I did well, considering that the three questions that my group had were more or less answered by the TA, AND the fact that it was an open note exam, so anything that we were unsure of or couldn't eliminate we were able to look up. Hardest question on the exam:

If you were to study the surface of another planet orbiting a star, what kind of telescope would you use? (The answer is a telescope with angular resolution... or something along those lines.)

The other question that was pretty hard had to do with the Doppler effect. The question was: Why do you not need to tune your radio while you drive? We think it had to do with the fact that your car is not going fast enough to really experience that effect with radio waves... And the effect would be negligable. (What a fun word, that... negligable.)

Thirty minutes until my next exam... wish me luck! (It's math. Ugh.)

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