Monday, December 15, 2008

Mini Blog - Final #4 Politics

Brrrr it is cold outside! I had to walk to my Politics class for the last time ever this morning, and boy was I glad that I had bought at hat at Target the other day! (It was on sale!! Best $3.56 I've spent in a while. The thing I hate most about cold weather is the way that my ears hurt after a while of being outside.)

Abby keeps on randomly celebrating the fact that we'll never have to take Esparza's class ever again. I like him as a teacher; he's very interesting and teaches very well... His test making abilities leave many wanting, though. The final exam has been the only test that I've enjoyed taking, mostly because 75% of the exam was made up of questions (word for word) from the other 3 exams that we took.

Because I spent so much time over the last few days more or less memorizing the tests... this was a very good thing! And because of this... I feel confident that I got at least a C on the final. Which means that I get a B in the class... Woo!!!!

Hardest question on the exam had to do with "What was the primary reason that the proposed new Texas Constitution of 1973 fail?" ...Three of the answers were the right ones, according to the notes, so I just chose one about "not enough time".

(Now I am going to blog about my weekend in a different blog - since these blog are all about my finals.)

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