Saturday, December 20, 2008

Blog blog bloooooog, AKA "Look, Mom! I blogged!"

Mom keeps bugging me to blog. "Are things so boring at home that you don't have anything to blog about?"

No, Mom. Things are so wonderful at home that all I can do is collapse into bed at the end of the day. All I have to do is wake up late, hang out, watch tv, babysit occasionally, and knit christmas gifts.

All of these have been achieved at least once... the christmas gift thing several times. I finished a scarf yesterday that pleases me very much! I am going to get Brandlyn to model the scarf for me at some point before I wrap it up and stick it under the tree.

This afternoon I spent a nice few hours being teased by my father as he went about preparing to make a lamb indian dish. (He didn't actually verbally tease me, but watching him prepare the spices was torment enough.) As much as I wish I could have stayed for dinner, I had a babysitting job to do. This kid is one of the best-behaved little 7-year-old boys I've come across. I first started babysitting him around 3 years ago when his family moved down here from the northeast, and I always enjoy looking after him. (Plus, his bedtime is at 8. I love little kids...) He had gone to the Nutcracker Ballet this afternoon, and bought his first nutcracker while there. He says that he has decided to collect them now... Being the daughter of an avid nutcracker collecter, I shudder to think how many nutcrackers he could collect by the time he is my mother's age. (...Which is 29, of course.)

The next few days should be about finishing off knitted christmas gifts and doing a whole lot of nothing. Ah, excellent.


Cara said...

Well I could have been bugging you about cleaning your room. Blogging doesnt seem so bad now, does it?! Thanks sweetie for being such a wonder daughter.
luv, Mom

Sally Comes Unraveled said...

My Mom *still* bugs me about cleaning my room. (Well, apartment.)

At least I can count on her to read my blog, even if no one else does.