Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mini Blog - Final #3 French...

Just sat my French exam and am very confident about how I did on this one! I think I did really well, because I studied a lot for this one. I made a giant stack of flashcards and color-coded review... I think it would have been hard to fail this one! I even memorized the composition that we could pre-write and work on before the exam.

Hardest part of the exam was the listening comprehension. Part of it was a picture of a bedroom, and we had to identify where things were. The questions were things like, "Where is the lamp? A) On the table B) Under the table C) Far from the Window" (in French, of course.) I have always had trouble with prepositions, be it in Spanish or French... don't know why.

Now I have to concentrate on studying Politics (which will be very hard, methinks), and then English... and then I am free!

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