Sunday, August 19, 2007

Diary of a Scarf

So this I've been planning on doing for a LONG time and I've really enjoyed taking pictures along the way and doing all of that. It turns out that I have one very rebellious scarf...



Dear Diary,
I was made today and was wound up tightly into a ball. It was a little rough, and it hurt when they cut my ends off, but now that it’s over and I’m nestled up against other skeins of me, I am fine.


Dear Diary,
I was put into a box and went on my very first trip! They put me on display in a shelf and I can see the whole world around me. There are lots of other yarns around me, all very different despite the fact that we’ll probably all end up being knitted or used in some way. I kind of like a ball of yarn right across the aisle. He keeps on winking at me and smiling.


Dear Diary,
My object of affection was bought today, and already the world is a little more bleak.


Dear Diary,
People keep picking me up and touching me, turning me every which way until I am dizzy and nuzzling me against their faces. It is very strange... I am not sure I like being a skein anymore.


Dear Diary,
Today my Knitter bought me! She paid $7.94 for me and I love her already. She sat down and cast on,

but then she realized that she wanted to watch a movie while knitting me and I experienced the first of many separation anxieties of my life. I was worried when she didn’t come back very soon, but I soon felt much better when she came back and put in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to watch. It has become my favorite movie. Look at me!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Dear Diary,
My knitter isn’t that nice with me sometimes. She’s got me in her bag and keeps lugging me back and forth between two houses, where I am brought out and paraded around. I keep hearing the word “Sock” from a lady who I am pretty sure is a little bit bonkers (What is a sock, anyway?), and then my Knitter will laugh and say, “Come look at my scarf! It’s growing already!” when the Bonkers-Sock-Lady will come and pick me up. I don’t like my Knitter’s bag. It’s stuffy and I have to keep company with her wallet and cell phone, who are not the nicest of people. The cell phone is a little profane sometimes, and the wallet is very materialistic.


Dear Diary,
I feel very alone.

Sometimes my knitter will take me out and put me beside her computer and instead of knitting me she’ll play this game with an imaginary person that she controls. She has me to control! Why seek other ways to manipulate? Aren’t I enough?!


Dear Diary,
I am very happy today!! My knitter put on another movie and knitted me for a long time!! Look!

Perhaps I’ll be able to snare her in for longer than a few hours at a time! (I am very hopeful about this.)


Dear Diary,
I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. My knitter would rather READ than knit me! I am OUTRAGED.


Dear Diary,
I have discovered a wonder today. My knitter has a brother! So when she wasn’t looking, I sneaked a cuddle...

Then she saw me and chastised me and put me in her bag for a long time... Is this what being grounded is like?


Dear Diary,
There’s more than one male in my Knitter’s household! I found this one in her ROOM.


Dear Diary,
My Knitter cannot believe I would sneak a cuddle with cardboard. What is cardboard? She put me in a box with, and I could not believe this, ANOTHER scarf. What a traitor! My Knitter has more than one scarf! Adulterous woman...


Dear Diary,
I have found something else to cuddle with! This one was soft, and not at all stiff like the cardboard one in my Knitter’s room. I actually took a nice nap with this one.

I hope I get to go back and nap with this thing again...


Dear Diary,
My Knitter finished me today! It was a joyous day, full of merriment and much dancing. So while my Knitter went out to celebrate, she left me to my own devices for a while.



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