Monday, August 27, 2007

Kind of like an old chevy

I'm falling apart right now, and I feel like I'm one of those old cars that, once one problem emerges, a thousand others follow.

So I got a bruise the other day while I was swimming (my head collided with my friends VERY SHARP hipbone. Owieee...)

Then, I cut myself while cooking last night.

I have a sty (Possibly pink eye? Of course picture day is Wednesday!) and it hurts to blink.

My foot hurts (But nothing new. It's been like this for months.)

I ran into my kitchen counter this morning (another bruise).

OH... and to top it off. I got the mother of all nosebleeds WHILE I WAS DRIVING HOME. People probably thought I was an idiot, clutching a napkin to my nose while driving home.

So there you have it. I am falling apart.

(Oh, and I keep coughing because of my allergies.)

Okay, I swear I'm done now.

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