Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just can't resist

I... erhm... had a bit of an accident today.

I made the mistake of "ducking in" to Hobby Lobby this afternoon on the way home from my aunt's house. (I guess the term "ducking in" is used very loosely here. Can one "duck in" for an hour?) I stopped in to see if I could find an iron-on pattern for the messenger bag I picked up at Target today. It was just a simple black denim, kind of faded at the front (for the life of me I cannot find a photo of it on and it was a little... I dunno... dull. But it suits my uses perfectly. It's big. It's durable (the key!) and it's going to fit all of my books and stuff that I have to haul to school and back every day. But it's just a bit dull all by itself. So at Hobby Lobby I found a lovely iron-on velvet design that says "Dreamer" on it, and the "d" is all big, loopy and fanncy-lookin'. So I ironed that on and it looks about 110% better already. I'm going to bring it over to my dad's house sometime so that I can do some other snazzy things to it (beadwork and the like) and my stepmom will help me do it.

But as I was in Hobby Lobby, I all of a sudden was wrenched away from the beads and from the ribbon and the iron-ons, and all of a sudden I found myself in the yarn isles. There are two of them devoted to yarn. Just two... but somehow I can spend about half an hour just touching the yarn and looking at the price tags. There's this one type of yarn called 'Aurora' yarn which I absolutely covet. As in, I walk by every time I'm in Hobby Lobby and touch it and then end up walking away because it's $8.19 a skein. (This is when I send "Sale" vibes toward Hobby Lobby). But they had some elf eyelash yarn on sale for $.99, so I bought two tiny little skeins and while the picture isn't the exact colors I bought, you get the idea of what it is. I also bought one of these and one of these to knit little purses for my babysitting charges because they saw the one I made for myself and nearly fell over each other asking me to do one for them (It was so cute and I was flattered.) But I have 2 million projects to do (mainly scarves) and those will be done by christmas (Please don't hold me to that.....)

Anyway, I'm going to do another post later tonight (tee he he) which I have been waiting like a month to do. The infamous Diary of a Scarf. But that has to be done when I'm home later where I have my camera.

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