Sunday, August 5, 2007

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Is kind of what I'm feeling like right now.

Except, I'm not dressed up and ready to go anywhere. I'm all ready to write something, and have nothing to write!

I've created this character. Her name is Mckayla Demont. I drew her (and her cat) and she's just standing there on the page, looking out across the page seeming to ask me, "Okay I'm bored. Put me somewhere already!" (And then her cat meows impatiently at me.)

But the problem is, I have nowhere to put her! I'm doing the whole "Open Word. Type chapter number. Wait for inspiration to come. While it's delayed, get a coffee, watch tv, come back to the computer and close the window. Rinse and repeat."

Anyway, I'm going to sleep on it. (Grrrrrr.)

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

It's been my experience that sometimes, you have to ask the character what she's up to and where she wants to go. No, seriously, I have even written out exchanges between myself and a character --it's kind of a writing exercise and it honestly can spark ideas you didn't know you were having. My characters are always doing things I never authorized... but they are never boring!