Friday, August 31, 2007

Oh say can you see?!

Today. Was another good day.

I sang the National Anthem at our school's first football game of the season and basically, I ROCKED THE WHOLE WORLD AROUND. As in, I hit the high notes, I didn't sing any flats, and people kept telling me that they didn't know I could sing like that.

(Best. Compliment. EVARRRRR.)

So that's my wonderous news of the day.

I would write more, but I have a book that I've been dying to read all week, but haven't been able to because I've been doing my homework and then promptly crashing.


Barb Matijevich said...

DUDE! YOU RULE! I'm so excited for you and for the show and just for your general awesomeness. I'm having a less awesome week but I do believe it's an attitude and if you can be awesome with a sty, then I should be able to manage to at least shower once a day. Onward!

Barb Matijevich said...

Plus, that's the hardest song to sing on the planet.