Friday, August 17, 2007

Pop, Lock and OW...

So I went to a dance party.

And there's one of those songs out right now called Pop, Lock and Drop It. And in the chorus, people dance it like the girls in the video.

Uh. OW! MY. LEGS. HURT. Considering the length and the amount of times they say "pop, lock and drop it" (Eighteen) that's a lot of pop, lock and drop its.

But I had a great time and danced from like nine pm until 11:20 when I realized I would be late getting home, considering I had to drive 15 miles to my dad's house, and then another 13 or so to get to Brandy's house and back to mine. (WHY CAN'T MY FRIENDS DRIVE THEIR OWN DAMN SELVES AROUND?!)

(As an iPod update, the song currently playing is 'Phantom of the Opera'.)

Geez. Don'tcha hate it when you shave your legs and then they ITCH CONSTANTLY.

Today was my (sniff) last day babysitting my girls (they're mine now.) and I'm really sad about it. So I got up early and I baked them cookies, forgot to bring them, left the oven on, and had to wake up my poor brother to get him to turn it off. But they got their cookies. And they're excellent, if I do say so, myself. I got a lovely card and some even more lovely sock yarn from them. And the card grants me loads of cuddle time with Thomas the BIG FAT CAT.

(I will be taking you up on that offer, Barb. That is, if I don't end up taking him altogether. Haha.)

(Alanis Morisette playing right now...)

Speaking of knitting (NO DON'T GO AWAY... darnit, I lost another reader...) if I'd known how many scarves I was going to knit and give away I probably wouldn't have started. Actually, that's not true. I'm a process knitter. The problem is finding time to actually do the process.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. :)

(Now it's 'Midnight Show' by The Killers.)

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