Politics Class...
The Teacher's Aid (who, if I have never mentioned it before, is Hawt with a W.) taught class today. Not only is he very attractive (Why yes, I am a teenage girl.) he is actually a good teacher too. He incorporates all sorts of fun into the class like clips from tv shows and movies. Today, he did both... AND said funny stuff. All of this made it a very funny class! Plus, at one point, he ran across the stage screaming 'I'm a naked cowboy!'... to prove to us that not all expression is free, and that the first amendment wouldn't apply to such an act.
I had a doctors appointment with my asthma doctor this afternoon... which, of course, required me to drive all the way to Austin (and back) today. I was actually looking forward to doing so, because I would get to mooch around Austin, even if it were just for the afternoon. So I hopped in my car around noon and drove to Duncan's office, where he promptly figured out what was sucking up so much memory!! It ended up being something that he'd installed that had two text files that were SO BIG that microsoft word wouldn't even open them. One was 24 gigs and the other 2.5... so THAT'S where the 30 gigs went!! I paid him in food. :D Ended up being $279 less than the Geek Squad!
From his office, I drove to my asthma appointment, which took all of 30 minutes to get in there, checked, and get back out. Going to the asthma doctor is always an experience. He pushes free samples on you left and right!
Above is the culmination of both the free samples and the full prescriptions... Yeah... Frankly, I still have a lot of LAST year's free samples, too!! He hands them out like candy.
I went to HEB to give them the aforementioned prescriptions (so I could get more drugs! Woo!) and what was supposed to be about a 35 minute wait turned into an hour and a half. >.< If it had gone any longer I would have yelled up something fierce, but the second time I went up to ask "What on earth is taking so long!?" The woman behind the counter was like "Oh, here you go!"
I went home (FINALLY... At this point it's about 7 and I've been driving around Austin for 6 hours) and played Phase 10 (The chosen card game of all of my mother's side of the family) and ate delicious hamburgers.
Mom gave me an ACL tshirt and a cowboy hat (Yeehaw!!)
I also grabbed my favorite pillow to snuggle with. It's just lumpy enough to not really be a pillow... but it's perfect for snuggling.
I also picked up roller blades out of the garage and turned my car right around about an hour and a half later to head back to San Antonio.
The drive back was uneventful, except that they were doing roadwork right around San Marcos and for a good 5 minutes I was in bumper-to-bumper stand-still traffic while people were being filtered into one lane. Other than that the 45 minutes on either side of San Marcos was completely uneventful. I got to use cruise control when I hit 1604, cause there weren't as many people on the road. It made my feet happy. :)
When I got back to my apartment, Abby and I tried on the roller blades to see if they fit, and then we decided that we wanted to try them out before we attempted to emerge into public with them at all.
We put them on and I stood up and promptly fell right on my butt! I stood up and then BAM. Right on my bum. I spent a good five minutes laughing while Abby finished putting hers on and then we skated around the parking lot for about 20 minutes. I got used to the balance after about 10 minutes or so, and then things slowly came back to me... but Abby is still a little iffy on braking. I am glad that I have the rollerblades because they will make my commute a lot faster and will give me a different kind of exercise.
Can you believe what you can sqish into about 14 hours?
Tomorrow (well, actually it's today, but that's beside the point) starts October! In September, I walked 203,869 steps... which is approximately 6795 per day, which sounds pretty accurate to me. I didn't count 4 days because they were either so lazy I did not get out of my PJs or I forgot to wear the pedometer.
Here's to October. :D (White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit!)
1 comment:
I wish my doctor were better about free samples. Well, I guess they're pretty good about it. They weren't in Florida.
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