Tuesday, September 2, 2008

10 mbps

So my internet is being screwy... and I don't enjoy it one bit. My internet connection, rather like my phone, is just one of those things... without it I feel naked.

And right now I have something sorted (after spending about an hour on the phone with my own personal Geek Squad... My beloved bro! Thanks bruvver!)

I even baked a loaf of banana bread while I waited for Duncan to mess with things and play around with settings in a really cool and spiffy way. I logged onto a website and suddenly he can access my computer. Which would, in any other circumstance, be a very bad thing... but for this, it was uber convenient. I mean, I can't exactly make him drive all the way down to San Antonio... though I might have begged a bit.

But I won't be showing you the banana bread. Because it would take SO MUCH TIME TO UPLOAD.

Wanna know why?

10 mbps.

That's my cruising speed.


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