Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today I didn't ever get out of my pajamas. And for the record, neither did Abby.

We spent the entire day being antisocial and mooching about our own rooms... watching movies and reading books and napping. Every once and a while, we would say "Hey, are you hungry?" and one of us would cook... the funniest thing is that we both had the same idea about not doing anything today without ever saying it aloud.

No step count today... because I spent all day on my bed knitting socks and watching movies. (I watched Zorro, Pirates 2, and Pirates 3... :D )

So that was my day... my pajamarama rockin day.

... As an aside, I finished The Singing today... I the bulk of it this weekend (the bulk of it being about 450 pages... the first 50 I read sporadically over the last week.) and found that, like the other books, once you get past the first few chapters, you cannot put it down... (Heidi can attest to the fact that every possible moment that we were not doing anything, I picked up The Crow, while I was in Denmark.) I loved every page of it. Most of me expected the ending to suck (Kind of like the epilogue of Harry Potter? Anyone else with me?) because there is no way you can write 2000 pages throughout four books and not have difficulty writing the end and wrapping it up... but the ending surprised me in that it was really good! The whole book was a culmination of how the main character has grown and changed and how at the same time the circumstances of the outside world have changed with her. Needless to say, the Bad Guy was vanquished, the World was Good Again, and the main character Fell in Love... but it was all in a way that really worked and felt original. I think that it will be a series that I read again, because I can't help but think that the second time through might be better, with the knowledge of what happens in the end. Perhaps not for a while, though. I have a lot of other books to read!

(So there's my review!)

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