Saturday, September 6, 2008

Deep Clean Day

Today is deep clean day.

Deep clean day is a magical day that occurs every other Saturday (The Saturdays in between are just 'Cleaning days') and they consist of all of the following:

-Scrubbing the bathroom
-Sticking everything in the dishwasher and cleaning them (I don't trust hand washing for that long. It's good for a while, but we can't possibly get everything.)
-Febreze-ing the ugly couches
-Making the beds and straightening rooms
-Journeying to Abby's house and using the laundry machine (This may just be an every Saturday thing, but we'll see how that works out)

So far, only one cleaning day and one deep clean day have occurred, and so far things are going well. Everything is clean and everything is in its place. I even made my bed (!). I would have taken pictures, but then I realized that it would look exactly as every other photo I've taken of my apartment.

We went grocery shopping today, too, and bought more food. (:D) Slowly I am starting to infiltrate the kitchen with vegetables that I can cook with and make interesting things with. I am looking forward to winter so I can make Stone Soup. (Thanks, Brandy!)

We also bought a ladle, which if you look at a lot of the weather frog days, it says 'ladle' in the corner. Speaking of the weather frog, he's been the same for the last few days (standing on his tippy toes to reach the martini on a table), because the weather for the last few days has been the same: Hot and sunny. I got another mild sunburn which cleared up within a day or two, but the weather has just been fantastic. It seems that the rain has decided to go follow somebody else.

So Abby and I have just been mooching about her house (her old house?) all afternoon, doing laundry, studying, and eating the food here. It's been a good day.

(Thus is the tale of Deep Clean Day.)


Step count (not final tally, but close enough) 6474

(Did I mention I spent all day mooching?)

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