Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Owie! Or... A blog ADD style!


I think I did something funny to my neck, (perhaps too much weight on my shoulders from my backpack) because it's been hurting me and I can't turn my head very far in either direction. (Originally I had put 'All the way around', but then I realized that I am not an owl... or possessed.)


It doesn't suck too bad. I've been icing it all afternoon (15 minutes on, 30 minutes off just like you said, Kerry-Lynn. ;) ) and it makes me feel like I'm being proactive in making it go away, but I am honestly not sure if it has helped too much. What I am really hoping is that sleeping will help. Sleeping just seems to make things better, don't you think? Or maybe I can get my roommate to give me a massage, haha.


On other subjects of pain... My new piercings are healing well. :) They don't hurt too bad and they haven't gotten infected at all. Only when I touch them do they hurt at all. (I still totally love them. Best idea of mine in a while.)


Abby and I saw that cat earlier today walking up our steps again. (Did he leave something behind?) I think he just likes to mooch about our complex and, from a short conversation with our neighbors, gives everyone the same inspection treatment.

Whaddaya think? Should we name him?


I am currently obsessed with reading a book, and accidentally read until 1am last night (this morning? I didn't mean to...I started at about 10 and then suddenly it was 1am! I think my clock lies to me.). It's 9:30 and I'm done with studying, and I think that I am going to curl up with the book and an ice pack and have a real party.


Step count (I have been keeping track. Just haven't been posting late enough in the evening) is 6797. As I said, I spent all afternoon in my bed with the ice pack, studying... it's hard to get steps while snoozing- I mean, studying.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Of course you have to name him!

hope your neck is better today.
luv ya punkin!