Friday, September 5, 2008

Best of times... Worst of times

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... and all of the time in the middle was just so boring, it's not even worth mentioning...


This morning I woke up to my alarm, and promptly turned it off and rolled over.

"It's Saturday," I said, "Why is my alarm going off? I'll sleep for a few more hours."

Most any other person would have been able to roll over and go back to sleep and forget that it was not Saturday... I, however, realized my mistake five minutes later and grumpily slumped my way into my kitchen to make coffee.

Isn't that a great way to start the day?


At 9, my roommate came back from a club meeting and brought another girl home with her so she could grab her utsa card and check if the cafe was open... turns out it wasn't... But we wer eall really hungry, and we decided that going to Sonic sounded like a BRILLIANT idea and so we drove out to it and got really hyped up on sugary drinks and carbs. YUM... As we were driving home, the sugar had gotten to us so much that we were just giggling at the most stupid comments coming out of our mouths.

It was one of those moments where it was just girls... and we were having so much fun it hurt to laugh.


Step count today: 10,781

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