Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Resolution time!!

Hello 2008!!!

Okay, New Years Resolution time. Let's have a looksie at last year's resolutions:

1) Finish a book
2) Be more true to myself
3) Find a boyfriend

I think I succeeded in number two at least. I didn't write much at all this year, so number 1's out the window, and number 3 was a complete joke in the first place.

New year's resolutions for the year 2008:

1) Be not afraid of venturing by myself
2) Turn in my college aps (And get accepted into college.)
3) Exude confidence

The thing about this year is that things are changing for me. I tend to be very wary of change and of things that are unknowns. I cautiously shuffle into the unknown. I don't blast down the door and take things by storm. I think that with the change of leaving high school, I should change the way I deal with things I don't know. Because after May, I have no idea of what will happen. That's half of a year of my life. And then beyond that, the rest of my life.

Anyway, it's 1:30 already. I should go to bed now.

Happy new year, yall.

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