Monday, January 14, 2008

Music is a powerful thing

Today was great. It really was. I finished placing the newspaper that I was busy salvaging (it was supposed to be our christmas issue, but surprise. It didn't work out.) and I don't have any homework to speak of. So it's been a relaxing, knee-sock-wearing day for me. We had to perform a scene from Macbeth in English class and that went fantastically and I think I'm going to go spend a while outside on my balcony with my guitar.

Oh guitar. How I love thee.

I've been learning some chords and I think there's a good chance that I'll be able to play her for the talent show. I've asked the school music teacher to give me some lessons during lunch once a week and so that is a relief.

She's such a pretty guitar. I'm naming her Nicole. I think she likes that name.

There's something intensely relaxing about playing music. I can't count the number of times I've gone to my piano with a problem and through the keys I've relaxed and forgotten it. I was actually talking abut music and religion with a friend of mine this morning and I realized during this conversation that I tend to treat music like religion. I couldn't explain it, but it's a devotion that needs nurturing and love and soul.

So I'm going to take Nicole outside and play a bit. It's cold but, hey. That's why I knit! (I knew there was a reason...)

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