Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I changed my mind

Today, I like Atonement. It took those 80 pages to get into it, but all of a sudden, THINGS ARE HAPPENING. Like, real stuff and not all description.

It's still moving at snail's pace, and there's still no dialogue, but it's at least interesting now. I kept on thinking about reading it while I was in Dance today, at which point I realized that I actually liked the book.

Anyway, moving on.

Today was my Wednesday night babysitting gig. (Yall should be used to this by now!) I went and I played with the kids and then one of the girls, who is a MONKEY, started climbing up me and Brandy. Separately, of course, but she would alternate between the two of us, saying "Give me a piggyback ride!" and when me and Brandy (Ahem. Brandy and I.) got sick of it, Brandy said, "You know, our best bet is just to lie down and play dead. It works on bears!" So we did. And then, simultaneously, all five children jump onto Brandy and me. They all weigh like 50 lbs so it's practially like air, anyway. So we're just lying there and the Monkey-girl starts to hit my back, like massagers do. And she said "Miss Stefanie," (which I find adorable. Miss Stefanie... tee hee) "Do you want a massage?" And I said "Sure!" And so apparently this started a trend. Soon all four adults were on the ground while our little worker minions - oh, I mean, babysitting charges - gave us massages.

It was wonderful.

They're actually pretty good. Most of the time they hit too hard, but other than that, it was wonderful.

And my thought the entire time?

"I'm getting paid for this?!"

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