Saturday, January 12, 2008

MORE babysitting...and some good news

I'm babysitting right now (again) and I'm having a grand ole' time. (Translation: The kid's four, so his bedtime is eight o'clock!)

I'm happy because I spent most of the money I made on a bra. It's not fancy or lacey, but (SHOCK) it fits. I finally just went into Victoria's Secret and said "I need a bra. This is what I need." and they pointed me in a direction and said "There. Give me $50." And I said "Great." And now The Girls (as they would say on What Not To Wear) look fantastic, if I do say so, myself.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is on TV right now. Daniel Radcliffe was so little when that movie came out! (I was just as little, but that's beside the point. He's only a few months older than me. Why am I not an internationally famous movie star? I don't know. Same reason why I'm not a mudwrestler or a skydiver, I suppose. Never tried it out.)

(I'm seeing so many inconsistencies between the movie and the book. Am I a dork?)

I have nothing else to say here. Hmm... erhm... LLAMA.

(Oh no... I am a dork!)

Oh yeah, the good news: I've been accepted to TLU!!! Got the letter last night after I got home from babysitting.

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