Monday, March 24, 2008

I love me the spring

It makes me happy to see the signs of spring.

Let me tell you, springtime in Texas is weird. It lasts about 60 seconds. Try to get out during your lunch break to enjoy it. And it's a weird combination of fall, winter, and summer all at once.

It's one of those times of the year when the weather truly is unpredictable. Yesterday it started off sunny and 75 degrees, but by 7pm it was 62. Today it's been a steady 70. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow was 80 at least.

The thousands of live oak trees all shed their leaves in the spring. Which means that for a good two weeks your chance of being pegged by a hard, dead leaf is upped by about 75%. This also applies to the little blue berries on the cedar trees. I can't tell you how many times I've been hit by one of those in the last week.

But even after Mother Nature's attempt at eliminating all of the lazy Second Semester Seniors who are lying down on the table at lunch (and thus offering a larger surface area at which to aim), I finally see signs of spring.

I love this tree outside my window. Not a very good escape tree (for all those wild nights, right?) but a lovely tree.

And now it's a lovely tree with little worm-noodle-things.

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

OOOOOO--I hate the wormy noodle things! EEEEWWWWWWW! Don't miss them a bit.

But then again, it IS 32 degrees here and falling.

Still no Edward. :(