Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So for my government class I have to do this outline of each chapter every week. It's tedious, mandatory, and takes about five hours to do each week, but for once I'm greatful for the 'mandatory' bit because otherwise, I'd never do it. But right now, we're studying the writing of the Declaration and the Constitution and there was a little blub about the Boston Tea Party (oh-ho! ...I don't know why, but I just have the urge to exclaim that whenever I hear of the BTP) and I wrote down in my outline, "But what about all of that wasted tea?!" Which caused me to have a HUGE craving for tea...

...So I made some.

(See how exciting my life is?!)

Just so you know, the tea was yummy.

When was in England two summers ago, we had droves of visitors coming to our house for one reason or another, and so I was officially named "Tea Wench". Well, when my cousin Josh and his mother arrived at our house Dad sent me to the kitchen to make tea for them and Emma exclaimed, "But she's American. She can't make tea." So I did, it was good, and I got to prove that even Americans can do something right.

I would like to point out here that the tea was loose-leaf and not in bags. Although why that scares people over here (OH MY GOD! I ACTUALLY HAVE TO STRAIN THE DREGS OUT?! I CAN'T DO THAT!! YOU BRITISH PEOPLE ARE INSANE!! ...Um, no we're not. You're just lazy.) I don't understand.

One thing I never get is how (and I tested this on everyone I gave tea to and this is 100% the truth. Okay, maybe 99.7%) you can hand someone in England a scalding and practically still-boiling cup of tea and then will just start sipping away. I try to do that and my tongue and lips are burned for the remainder of the day. HOW?! HOW on earth do they DO that?! I refuse to conform to that part of my heritage. nose up in air.

Okay, I can officially cross that off my list of things to do:

-Rant about Tea (check)
-Be made of Awesome. (check)
-Homework (Um...... check?)

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

I love you Steffi. And now I'm going to make myself some tea.

The loose leaf kind.

To go along with my Nyquil.