Saturday, September 15, 2007



Today I
a) Did not get more than a little bit pink.
b) Rocked out to oodles of good music
c) Got a free VIP pass (ROCK!!!)

So my brother's friend's mother works at the NPR station. And she got a bunch of free VIP passes. And gave one to me simply because I'm the sister of her son's friend. Uh. WOW.

I didn't even know that there WAS a VIP pass. But there's this whole "VIP Grove" that has free food and drinks and SHADE and all sorts of fun.

Only bad thing about today:
1) Freaking sun was freaking hot. (Well, duh. It's texas what else would I even expect?) I was sweating and fanning myself all afternoon
2) I got a bunch of blisters and sores.
3) I think I swallowed a gnat
4) I got a nosebleed halfway through the Arctic Monkeys and had to go to the medical tent. They set me up with a gauze and a pack of ice (which apparently helps. Who'da thunk?) and asked me "Do you want to go to the emergency room?" And I was like, "As fun as that would be, naw. Not today." and they said "Kay. Sign this release form."

Then we walked to IHOP ate a lot of pancakes and then drove home. I just got out of the shower (and am sopping wet) and I don't think I've ever appreciated a shower so much in my life.

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