Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ahh, freedom

Well, almost.

I have officially some time to RELAX. And, I guess I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, but I wrote my paper in record time (i.e. before it was due AND before 10pm!!) and I've been perusing Youtube and the itunes store and listening to music and generally enjoying myself.

It feels good.

What doesn't feel good is my back. I'm going to get off my butt when I press "publish post" and do some stretching, because I need to stretch my back out. In dance yesterday we were doing a lot of stretching. And one particular excericse (she called it the pigeon, where you fold one leg under you, extend the other leg behind you and arch your back. And then she said "now coo like a pigeon and flap your wings." Um... okay Ms Bravo.)

You know what I noticed? I seem to get really distracted when my mom is out of town and I forget to eat dinner until really late. Oops.

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