Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust.

Another paper written. (This is where I lounge back and put my hands behind my head.) This one was about ancient theories of souls, which I find slightly (by a margin of about a mile) more interesting. I mean, Pythagoras thought that all beings that are alive have souls. That means that my tree which is scraping against my window has a soul. The plant that I killed a few weeks ago has a soul, and yep, the gnat that I swallowed yesterday had a soul. (So am I a murderer?)

Overall, today was one of those extreme days. Most of it sucked, but there were things that made up for the suck-yness.

Why did my day suck, you ask? I felt sick and thoroughly drained all day. This was due to the huge amount of energy I put off yesterday, crossbred with the fact that I'm sick/have allergies (I'm not quite sure which.)

I'm very happy because I wrote another (good) paper (I hope), I found a new singer who I really like (Her name is Holly Brook, and look her up. I got the cd "Like Blood Like Honey" and it's excellent.) I'm also happy because the book I was reading (and finished this morning) is going to have TWO MORE SEQUELS!! Granted, they don't come out until next August, but I'll take what I can get.

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