Sunday, September 30, 2007


So I've started the whole college admissions process.


And it's kind of freaking me out. You see, right now I'm having one of those "moments of doubt". Like in the movies when a character is walking around proudly, and then something dramatic occurs to them and they just stop and throw their arms out. That is me right now. I'm all happily filling out my college apps and then... Oh no. I look too average.

I have average grades and an average SAT score, I'm average in volunteer hours. I'm average, average, average.

I've never been average. At least... I've never felt average. Mom tells me that I'm wonderful, I will get into whatever college I want to get into, I am a generally above-average girl and I have nothing to worry about.

What if I'm just faking being wonderful, huh? What if I've been pretending to be smart and I'm really just an average person? How would THAT be?

Mommy I've changed my mind. I don't want to go to college and I don't want to grow up. See you in Never-Never land.

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