Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crank that

So there's this song/dance that people are learning right now. It's called crank that.

My mom, on her eternal quest to be cool, asked me to teach her how to dance to it. (Tee hee hee!!)

A lot of it involves bouncing up and down... my calves feel SUPER STRONG right now!

I showed that poem I posted the other day to my mom. She said that while I was reading it she was thinking about how that's how I must feel, standing at the edge of my Highschool career and starting to take the plunge into my college life.

Hmm... Taking the plunge is the right way to put it.

To tell you the truth, I'm freaking out about college.


Big scary world out there, and I don't know what to do about it.

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