Saturday, May 24, 2008


So I own a lot of yarn.

I love it all. Some of it was acquired with my money, a large portion of it was aquired through gifts and "hand me downs", if you will.

I decided that I needed to shed a few Stash pounds, and because the Yarn Harlot has been doing her semi-annual Stash Toss, I figured that I should give mine a toss as well. Really go through and decide what I will never use. It was difficult, but I did manage it.

Brandlyn helped, and with her adamant "Stef. Seriously," I managed it.

Before: ~22 lbs

After: ~8 lbs.

I shed 14 lbs of yarn. I'll be donating the yarn probably to goodwill or somewhere like it, if they'll take it... But I can't just throw away all of that beautiful yarn. It has so much potential... just not for me.


In other news, Brandlyn crocheted a hat.

She is very pleased with herself, and hasn't taken the hat off since she bound off about 2 hours ago.

In other, other news, I knitted a "Lovey" toy to bring with me to the Czech Republic, for Petra, who just had a baby boy.


In other, other, other news, my poncho is coming along well. I knit a lot of it and it's about 15 inches long now and I'm about done with the third ball of yarn. I'm thinking that I'll knit as much as I can stand of it (until I burst, probably) and then cast off. A poncho can't really be that long and be awful. There's an awful big margin for poncho length. Unless, of course, you wanted it to be a dress, at which point I would hit you and say "WHY?!"

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