Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31st

Today is the day that I will graduate.

I cannot believe that I am graduating from High School. Wasn't it only yesterday I was a freshman? Wasn't it the day before I was entering Middle School? And wasn't it only the day before then that I started Kindergarten? I know Mom feels that way... But I've kind of been walking around in a haze all day.

We had the Baccalaureate mass tonight, and it was truly a very different experience. Alycia and I sang a beautiful duet during the reflection ("You Raise Me Up") and apparently gave people chills and made people cry. That was some of the highest praise I received tonight.

Right now, I finally have a chance to slow down, and it's a quarter past midnight. So officially, it's the 31st of May and I graduate in 14 hours and 15 minutes. You'll see pictures in future blog posts, I am sure.

With all of this talk about my future, I'd like to take you back a few years. Bear with me here, it's not that painful. Go back five years.

Today, five years ago, I realized how much I loved to write.

Today, five years ago, I was sitting a science final exam and itching to return to my computer to write my first story. It had been brewing all day, all week, and I finally wanted to get it down on paper. Was desperate to get home and write it.

Today, five years ago, my life changed. For the better, of course. Without realizing my talent, I doubt I would have become the editor of The Word, I would have never participated in the Literary Magazine... I can't imagine that I would be much like who I am today. Mom told me that I've always been a good writer, always very creative. But sometimes, don't you think that you need to realize something for yourself to truly nuture it?

So I've been writing for five years. May 31, 2003.

I graduate today. May 31, 2008.


1 comment:

Rani said...

You go girl!

-from another writer/knitter