Monday, May 26, 2008

Step Two: The Easiest Step


Get off of my tail, because it hurts when you step on it. I've done (half of) what you asked, and my closet is now half full of things that I (am pretty sure I) will wear in the future. I stuffed three bags full of clothing we can give to goodwill or whatever, and I've only got three pairs of jeans and some cute shorts left in my dresser drawers. There were a few items of clothing that I'm sure I will never wear again, but can't let go of for sentimental reasons. If only to stuff in a box and pull out in the future to show my children.

So now you only have to nag me about cleaning my room and car. Come to think of it, I should probably go clean my car if I want to fit other people in it...


Your Daughter.

P.S. The yarn was harder to get rid of.
P.S.S. We're out of milk.

P.S.S.S. We're not really out of milk, but that just sounded like a funny post-script.

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