Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So a while ago I bought eight skeins of beautiful alpaca yarn with every intention of knitting the Harlot poncho with it. (Ponchos, while a little bit iffy in fashion, are so comfortable! And the alpaca will be super warm.) And I got all excited and knitted my swatch and got all happy, cast on, and realized that I had the wrong length circular needle. It might have been okay if it had been that the length was too short, because I can work with that. No... It was too long. By five inches. So after some teenage knitter angst (Teenage angst is bad enough. Knitter angst can be worse given the right kind of fiber) I bit the bullet and decided last night to buy some Addi Turbo needles in the right size (AND length) that I needed. When I say bite the bullet, I mean that these babies cost me $15.95. I'd heard good things about Addis and that they were supposed to knit faster than normal needles. So what the hell, I'll try it.

Dude. (Barb, I think I might have just channeled you.)

These things are light, they don't grip the yarn, and the yarn practically flies around the loop. It might just be that because I'd heard they are speedy that I think they are speedy, but they are fantastic. I am in love with these needles.

I heard that there's one knitting podcast (can't remember which one) that, every time the woman says "Addi Turbo" there is a VROOOM sound effect.

I sure hope they help my poncho vroom...

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