Warning: Spoiler Alert. If you haven't read the book and want to be surprised by the movie, read this later. I'll do my best not to give everything away... -----
No joke, I can't believe that the film I saw last night at midnight was part of the same series of films that I have been criticizing (but supportive of) for the last odd six or seven years. Usually I come out of a Harry Potter film (Ahem, the
Prisoner of Azkaban) and immediately list why This Was Done Wrong, and How Could They Have Done THAT?, and Who Writes This Crap and Calls it Harry Potter?, and a million other nitpicky, nerdy reasons why, despite the fact that the movies and books share similar characters and plots, they shouldn't be listed together nor compared.
I didn't do this with the
Half Blood Prince last night. (Go see it. Now.)
There were things that the director added in (the wheat field scene stands out) and altered, but the good so outweighed the bad, about 99 to 1. It kept so in time with the book that I couldn't believe it. Like in the opening scene of the movie, a bridge in London breaks: I can quote the passage it comes from. When Harry and Dumbledore are in the cave: Practically word-for-word from the book. The scene at the end where Malfoy faces off Dumbledore: Just like I imagined it. I honestly sat there in my seat with a really stupid grin on my face, because one of my favorite books was coming to life in front of my eyes.
Of course I can think of things that I wish they elaborated a little more on (Quidditch, Snape's classes, and Harry's relationship with Ginny to name a few) but somehow within 2 1/2 hours, I was so thoroughly impressed with the film and the acting (It seems that some of them spouted talent in the last two years - Whoda thunk?) and the direction that all I can babble about is how good the film was.
I would say that this is the first movie I have been happy with the transition from book to movie since the
Sorcerer's Stone came out. (And I am a hard fan to please.) I just hope the Seventh films are just as good.
Anyone going to see it this week? I want to come with you to see it again.
(A quick criticism, though: Some idiot rated the film PG, but I would ignore that. I wouldn't recommend bringing children and to treat it as if it is PG13. Anyone who's read the book knows that a certain cave containing a certain non-Horcrux has a lot of creepy to offer - and boy was it creepy. Eesh.)
I wore my sweater to the movie! Here's a look at some of us who were in costume! (Luna, on the far right, was real neat. Great costume!) Later, a Mad Eye Moody walked into the theater with the best costume on - it was great.