Saturday, July 18, 2009

Eighteen Reasons Why

In honor of my little brother's eighteenth birthday, here are eighteen reasons why I love him so much:
  1. Despite the fact that he is (no doubt) handsome, he has no idea.
  2. He is my oldest and best(est) friend.
  3. He inspires me to be a little more daring and to try new things.
  4. He is the size of a bear. (And a lot more huggable and less ferocious!)
  5. He puts up with me pushing his buttons.
  6. He is the best listener.
  7. His sense of humor, and how it appears at exactly the right moment.
  8. He gives the best hugs.
  9. He's never afraid to lord his height over me. (And I then remind him that I am older than him.)
  10. He always plays fair - never foul.
  11. Occasionally, he graces the world with a big smile that's worth the time it took to drag out of him.
  12. He is a man of few words, and many thoughts.
  13. He knows what he wants and pursues it.
  14. I have never heard him raise his voice.
  15. He works to better himself daily.
  16. He has an incredible amount of love in that heart of his.
  17. Every once and a while, when we're having dinner, we'll wink at each other.
  18. He is, without doubt, the best brother to have.
I love you, Brodre. Happy Birthday, and I hope you have a fabulous nineteenth year. Here's to you!

1 comment:

Cara said...

I am blessed to have such great kids who love each other so much.
love you both most!