Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A song?! Hark!!

Don't know if you guys know this or not, but I sing. All the time. Mom and Duncan can attest to this.

I've been learning how to play my guitar, and I figure that recording myself and possibly embarassing myself on my blog is the best way to go about improving. So if I upload a song in 3 or 4 months' time and it still sucks, well. Then you have every reason to say "Stefanie. Get on the ball and learn something better!"

I'm thinking that after I upload this, when I have a moment I'm going to have to upload me playing something good on the piano.

So without further ado! "Like Blood, Like Honey" by Holly Brook. Butchered, ahem, sung by Stefanie for the purposes of her blog.

...So it's like magic to you guys, who can just make the music happen. But I have to make it download first. And upload. And put it into the blog. Which is difficult when you can't feel the tips of your fingers on your left hand. I practiced for about an hour before recording (and I still messed up and everything. >.< ) and so I'm very tired right now. While I'm waiting for the song to effing work, why don't you read these interesting facts!

-I have 2 months left until I graduate!
-I have a week and a half until prom! -I have a sore toe! -I love my Clapotis shawl-y scarf-y thing!
-I can't feel the fingers on my left hand! (This bears mentioning again.) -I am typing while lying down right now, not looking at the screen! -I'm almost done learning Rondo Alla Turca for my spring piano concert. Which if I'm lucky, mom will video so I can share it with my favorite blog readers!
-I swallowed a bug today!
-I just lied! =)
-I read my first-ever eBook today. Gena Showalter's The Darkest Fire, which is a 66 page prequel to her newest series. I'm a total addict to her work, so I was excited to find it. It was weird reading it on my computer, but not really. The story was iffy (I mean, how in depth can you get in 66 pages? And it was just a prequel) and I feel like everything happened too fast and it left me thinking, "What did I just spend the last 45 minutes of my life doing?" but I guess it'll make sense sometime in the future.

Okay, now it'll go. I ended up making it into a movie file, without actually being a movie... if that makes sense. So it'll just be a youtube attachment. And it will be good! Good, I tell you!

Here. It. Is. (Well finally.)

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