Sunday, April 13, 2008

Prom Hangover

I have a prom hangover. This is not to be confused with any sort of alcoholic hangover, however. It's a "I stayed up until 5:45 in the morning taking care of drunk people" hangover.

Which is probably just as bad as a real hangover. To tell the truth (without sounding all 'holier-than-thou') I wouldn't know.

Yesterday was prom. It was awesome. I had a really good time, felt gorgeous, (looked gorgeous too!) and danced the night away. My friends and I all went to the Botanical Gardens and took pictures, and then we went and ate dinner, and then we drove around for about an hour just having fun. Prom being, well, prom, my friends broke out the Grey Goose the moment they could roll up the little privacy screen in the limo right after dinner. We decided, after dinner, that a trip to Target and Amy's Ice Cream was in order, and so we stopped at Target to get little glow stick things. And then we went on our merry way to the actual dance.

It was fun. We danced, we dipped things into the chocolate fountain, we hugged each other and told each other how much we liked their dresses (when half the time I honestly thought "I would never be caught dead in that ugly thing." Oh well. To each her own.)

People scattered the moment they could. Right after they announced Prom Court, the ballroom emptied. I went with Brandy and Alec to go pick up Randi at Brandy's house so that we could all go to Jennifer's party. It took us about two hours to get to Brandy's house, get Randi ready (she had just stepped out of the shower when we got there) and to drive all the way out to the middle of nowhere, where Jennifer lives. Perfect for a party, right? By the time we got there, around 1:30 in the morning, people were already completely smashed.

I've never been to a party before, and never really had a chance to test myself and see if I can stand up to the infamous alcohol and drugs peer pressure that they threaten you with in Middle School and High School counseling sessions and retreats. It turns out that I can have a pretty level head while being bombarded with second hand smoke and drunk people. I'm proud of myself. However, as fun as it was to be sober and laugh at all the drunk people, it became a lot less fun when people started being sick. Yuck.

So I played Mommy to the drunk people, made sure that they were lying down somewhere, drinking water, not making out with anyone they would regret making out with, and calming down the depressed drunks. There were a few of those.

And finally, oh blissfully finally, I was able to crash on the couch. At 5:45 in the morning.

...I woke up at 8:18. When the now hungover people were making noise.

And from there, mom came and picked me up, made me french toast (mmm...) and I went upstairs, took a shower, and had every intention of lying down, finishing my book, and then writing my English paper. I ended up lying down, reading my book, and then falling asleep until mom called me at about 5:30 to say "Are you still asleep?!"

And now, I am fully in the throes of a Prom Night Hangover. I'm still exhausted. I think I could have easily slept until tomorrow morning. But alas,

I have to write that damned English Paper.


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