Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On/Off Switch

You know, today wasn't awful. Despite the amount of time I spend complaining about being busy, being stressed, being blah... My life doesn't suck.


Today I had a rehearsal.

A very long rehearsal. A rehearsal that lasted the entire school day. We left the school at 8:30 and we arrived back at school at 3:00.

The hardest part of this rehearsal wasn't the acting. That probably went the smoothest it's gone in a while. No, the hardest part of the rehearsal was the fact that I had to be "Turned On" all the time. No, I don't mean it like that. I mean that even when I wasn't on stage I had to brightly smile at people, laugh, chat, and shush the loud freshmen boys. I had to project myself into any conversation, I had to make an effort to not just stare off into space and think for a while... There is no 'Off' button when it comes to rehearsals like these. Having been 'On' all day, I am very tired. You know those days when it's just too much effort to even appear like you care about anything happening around you? Now, alone in my room and winding down, I kind of feel like that. I just got out of the shower and am rocking the towel turban, too. (It must be genetic. Mom can totally rock the towel turban.)

Well, we open on Friday night. Wish me a broken leg, will you? Tomorrow I need to remember to bring things to entertain myself. Unfortunately one of those things is my AP Gov't study guide... because I would like to pass my AP test next monday. Gack.

Come to think of it, wish me a broken leg on Monday morning. I'll be driven to the hospital and (Oh no!) miss my test.

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