Monday, April 21, 2008

Forgive me for being blunt

But today is one of those days when you swallow so much snot that you just feel like crap.

Last week I had this awful cold. I thought it was allergies, but living in Austin, there's not really any way to tell, unless you actually remember to check webmd for the symptoms because you forget every other time that you read up on it. And my throat is kind of scratchy when I breathe, so I keep sucking on cough drops, which don't taste very good when you feel like crap to begin with.

So I'm going to keep this blog short and tell you that my plan for purging myself of the last remnants of this cold include:

1) Advair. Lots of it. (This is an asthma medication. It helps be breathe AND sleep... because I can breathe.)
2) Romance novel. (I will, however, skip out on the chocolate. See the "I feel like crap" segment above.)
3) Knitting. (My knitting group meets tonight. I look forward to it every week.)
4) Some sort of cough/cold medicine that I'm sure we're out of in the medicine cabinet downstairs. (Mother.)

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