Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm too sexy for my knees

Today I'm not going to blog about rehearsal. Nor how I spent most of it knitting a sock. (Fyi, I'm so tired I just typed cosk instead of sock.) I had previously knitted the ribbing (just twelve rows...) and then when we left the theater several hours later I had turned the heel and started the gusset decreases.

Today, I'm going to show you something.

That little bruise right there on my knee (See it?) is the most painful bruise I've had in a long time. I can't bend my knee without it hurting! I just got it today during dance class when we were doing a really cool floorwork dance. But I went down wrong at one point and BANG.
"Oooooooowfuckooooooooow!" was kind of what I sounded like.
Anyway, I am going to bed now. Night all.

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