Friday, January 16, 2009

Timely, for once

Over the break, I knitted a scarf. And I am determined to keep this one! (Don't let me give it away!)

It's the Harlot One Row Scarf that I mentioned a few weeks ago... except that it's finished! (Boo, I don't have a Legolas Standup to model it on!) Because it's alpaca, it's uber warm... which makes crazy 40 degree days like these that we're having in Texas much easier to bear. The only thing that I want to do to it is toss it in the washer and give it a good (but delicate) talking to. It's itchy, which is okay when you can't feel your neck anyway, but when it's only mildly cold, it is less pleasant. I've heard that alpaca washes up to be a very nice (and less itchy) fiber.

Ooh! I and I finally found a time to use my christmas gift for what I intended to! I got a new Fancy Tripod for Christmas from my dear mother (well, it's not fancy, just really useful!) and used it with my Fancy Camera to take a picture of the moon! I was able to zoom in all the way and not have a shaky picture!

And That, my friends, is one fabulous moon picture, complete with the whole shabang of 18x ZOOM! (I also happen to know that it was in its third quarter, based on the side that is illuminated and the time of night that it rose... and not just because I happened to check a calendar and found when the full moon was.) When I opened the file on my computer and set it to 100%, the center of the moon took up more than my entire screen. (If I haven't said it before, I swear the reason I asked for my Fancy Camera was to take pictures of the moon like this. I love it so much, it's my desktop background now! As opposed to this, which was my desktop background for the last two weeks...

I think I'll use that line sometime! Very appropriate, considering the direction that I'm aiming toward for the next few years...)

I also considered taking a picture of the bruises on my shin to show you, but they feel a lot more painful than they look at this point, and so I'll spare you any of the photography. But there are definitely two 2-3" bruises there, kind of linked by a less painful bridge of a bruise. But don't worry about me, it just means that I have to sit normally in chairs for a while. ;)

Oh, and Duncan wrote on my facebook wall something that completely turned my day around yesterday!

"hey stef!! remember when you fell off your bike that one time! that was HILARIOUS!!! and then that guy walked past.... omg... so embarrassing on your part... (hehe)"

(Thanks, Dunc. You make me feel so good about myself. ;) )

Well, a sock awaits in my comfy (and warm) bed, just begging to be knit, so I must away!

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