Monday, January 12, 2009

Semester 2 begins!

Welcome to Semester 2!!

Today I had my first three classes of my second semester of college, and it was good! Of course, the whole point of the first day of classes (especially the 50 minute ones) is to introduce the class, introduce the subject, and then say "See you in a few days" so you can really start the class. So today I did a lot of syllabus reading and anticipating the rest of the class.

My first class of the day is French. Because it's a continuation of last semester's class, we jumped right into the lesson plan. I have the same teacher, and a much smaller class. Last semester, my class had around 25 students, and this semester it's 14. The only thing I mourn about the size difference is the fact that I'll get called on to answer twice instead of once during class. At the end of class, my professor handed out the final exam to the people who she had last semester, and my grade on it was an 83. Yay!

Second class of the day is Composition 2, a continuation of a writing class. In a way, it'll be an easier class, because it's about rhetoric and argument forming (which is the only thing I wrote in high school) but because of that it'll be harder. It'll require a lot more effort to achieve the same grade, but I am not worried. My professor seems interesting. During debates, he says that he'll play devil's advocate just for the sake of keeping the argument going. He also said in his syllabus that if we are using laptops to take notes, we "shouldn't be insulted if he checks every once and a while to check that we're not playing WOW." The professor teaches both 1013 and 1023 classes, so he knows where we are, and where we are supposed to be. I have high hopes for the class.

Third class of the day is Astronomy, specifically the exploration of the Solar System. I'm looking forward to this class, mostly because we didn't really cover the Solar System as much as I'd hoped in the first class I took, as well as the fact that I get to keep studying the subject. I've said before that I love studying Astronomy, but going further and even narrowing the field of study is something that I'm greatly looking forward to doing. I don't have any opinions about the professor yet... but we shall see.

Apart from classes today, Abby and I had a movie night and watched The Princess Bride, and then started to do some research on potential housing for next year at UT. It's a big undertaking, but it's just the beginning. I hope it doesn't get too difficult!

I will blog tomorrow about my Geology and History classes!

Oh, and here is my schedule for the semester so my mother can print it out, pin it on her board in her office, and stalk me. Perhaps call me at those times to see whether I'm skipping class or not. (Which I don't... of course...)

OOH! Funniest thing happened this afternoon when I got home from my classes! Abby started talking about this guy in her Geology class, saying "I shook hands with the dorkiest nerd today! He came up to me and was like 'Hi! I'm T.J.!' and introduced himself to me and Nathan and Dustin! It was bizzare!" and little did Abby know that I had sat by the very same T.J. in my English class this morning, and he had given me the same treatment! I mean, what are the odds that Abby and I, who happen to be roommates, both meet and sit next to the same guy on the same day, in separate classes, mine of 30, hers of 400, out of the thousands that flood through the college every day. Talk about a coincidence!

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