Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Better, and a few funnies

My bike is still gone, the pizza's gone, the kitchen and bathroom need a good scrub...

But you know what? I am feeling a lot better today. Not all the way better, but better.

Time does that for me, you know? I'm one of those people who just can't seem to stay mad at anyone, too. I usually go to bed and then wake up and forget it ever happened. I guess I'm the same way with stuff that makes me stressed. Once I compartmentalize everything in my brain, de-stress, and find something really good to distract me (this week, the Sookie Stackhouse series, which was recommended to me by Kerry-Lynn. I think she's created a monster - I'm nearly on book 3), I find that everything isn't so bad and that walking when the weather is slowly improving isn't so bad. (Today doesn't count on the weather front. It was a million percent humidity and dropped from 60 to 40 degrees while I was sitting in class this afternoon, and now that the sun is down it's probably in the low 30s.) As far as a bike goes, I think that I will wait a month or so before I do anything about it. I don't know if I'll take another one from home (is there another bike that fits me at home?) or head over to Target and find a pretty one, but I will let the UTSA Police department do their thang. They've got a shining reputation here, and I hope they live up to it.

Tonight, I feel inspired by Barb's most recent blog, and want to list a few of the more amusing occurances that have happened to me recently. So while I smile, y'all can smile too. :)

In my Astronomy class last Friday, the professor handed out a quiz of general knowledge, so he could gauge how much we knew already. He didn't take down names, so he was able to gather the data up and present the most popular answers to us yesterday. (I got all of the questions right that had a real answer, by the way!) The questions were things like "Is there anything beyond Pluto?" (yes), and "What types of planets are there?" (terrestrial and gas giants). One of the questions was "What planet do you hear about most in the news?" Most people answered Mars. I circled 'Mars' too, but by the question wrote, "You mean aside from Earth?" The professor was so amused that he told the whole class about it yesterday.

There was a leak somewhere in our building in University Oaks, and the repairmen were working late into the night last night trying to fix it. (I know this because it seemed that they were working right outside my window.) This morning, the water was back on, and so I delightedly took a shower, happily basking in the warmth of the water and thanking my showerhead that the warm water was working. (For the last few months, around 20% of the showers I have taken have been very quick, very cold showers.) I got out of the shower, dried myself off, got dressed and started doing the dishes. As soon as I finished the last dish, the water sputtered and went out. "Excellent timing," I told the sink, and picked up my bag and went to class.

I was talking to Brandlyn the other night on the phone, talking about how irritated I was that some people just cannot seem to grasp correct grammar when they write. I was all in a huff, when Brandlyn pointed out very nicely "You want to be an editor, right Stef? Well, without all of us being awful writers, you'd be out of a job before you even had it."

Right, well that's all I can think of right now. I have a bit of English to read and then I am off to bed! Well, I am off to read more of the Sookie Stackhouse book (I am reading "Living Dead in Dallas"... which I would totally dig, because Dallas is just about the most boring city I've ever come across) and I have every intention of getting so lost in it that I lose all sense of time.

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