Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Busy, busy, busy (but in a good way)

Today I got out of the house for most of the day!

Consequently, I am pretty tired here at the end of the day, but not tired enough to sleep. Just to warrant a some blogging and lounging in pajamas. This morning, I went to the mall and did a little solo shopping. I mentioned about a week or so ago that I was working on revamping my wardrobe with new shirts and stuff, and today I went to the mall and did a lot more shopping. Well, a lot more trying things on, a only a little more purchasing. I bought two lovely new shirts, some camis (they are so soft!! And the don't have the "bra shelf" that most do, which, in most cases, creates either too much cleavage for me or gives me a strange line right across the middle of my boobs. Neither look is desirable nor appropriate), a cute little day dress (purple and SO adorable) and some jewelry to begin accessorizing my cute new look. (I bought mostly necklaces that doesn't resemble the stuff that I have now, like really long necklaces that I didn't think I could pull off before!) I now have some really nice stuff that is the beginning of a good, more normal, mature(ish) wardrobe. It's a good time of year for me to shop, because of all of the darker colors out on the market. (I just spent the last half hour trying to figure out my "season". I think I am a "Golden Autumn" which means that I am a mix between Spring and Autumn, in that I am a Spring, but am pulled toward the darker, richer colors of Autumn, versus the paler tones of Spring.) Only downside of shopping right now is that most of the stuff out there is long-sleeved or too heavy for the practically nonexistent Texas winter.

After shopping, I went to St. Michael's and visited some teachers, and then came home and cuddled with Topher and watched TV. Then I turned right back around and went to St. Michael's again to their first "Senior Reunion", to feed us and give us a tour around the new campus center and theater - which I am so jealous of! After having dinner and catching up with friends, I went to a friend's house (Josh's) with Tina, James, Kevin, and Brandlyn. We sat around in Josh's living room and chatted, until I could no longer stand the allergic reactions I was having to Josh's cat and dog. So I left (at the same time as James and Kevin) and went home where I was greeted with a package that I have been waiting for all day. Earlier, I had had to leave to go to the dinner, and passed the UPS truck not a half mile away from my house. (I 'Grr'ed and told him not to hurry up, as I was leaving anyway... I don't think he heard me. Now I have cute new bras that fit! Yay!)

Tomorrow, I have a lot to do...

Oh, allergies - except at Josh's house - totally manageable today. Keep it up, Austin!

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